There are a lot of questions that are being raised by my friends about the current situation of Caleb and Anna as they seem to be operating under unknown circumstances. Well, these two seem to be running their own business under false pretenses and this is the reason why my friends are asking such a question. They do not want to find out that they are being used by someone just to make money and at the end of the day they are cheated.

As what kind of business organization are called and anna running under right now they are being run as part of their own personal wealth system. This means that each month, each pay cheque goes to their account in their company. In addition to this, they are spending most of their time traveling around the globe and entertaining other businessmen through their official business trips. They spend most of their savings in buying expensive brand clothes and accessories for themselves and paying for many of their personal entertainments. The only source of income that they have is the salary they receive from their official work which means that in a few months they will be back to where they started and their life will go back to the same routine that they used to enjoy before.

This is what kind of business organization are called and anna running under right now.

You can see the signs they are being taken for granted by the people that are paying them and if you will notice, they will always complain that they are not being paid enough. What they need to realize is that as an employee of an organization they have certain rights that should be considered by their management and they should be able to be given a decent living wage and benefits that they deserve and most of all, what they deserve is to be paid decently without having to worry about being exploited in any way. Not to mention that they should not be forced to work for free and that their expenses such as food and housing should be covered by the company they work for.

What is a better alternative for these people if they were to start their own business?

If you will ask any of the people that have been in this kind of business, you will find that most of them had to go through experiences just like what is happening to them now. What they discovered is that when they tried to run their own business, they spent a lot of money but at the same time, they didn’t have any type of support from their organization. And in most cases they couldn’t even get loans because their credit was not good enough. Most organizations look at entrepreneurs, as if they are just money making machines without thinking that these people are human being with needs and emotions just like us.

All these things lead the people to think that running their own business is easy but it isn’t. And most importantly, these organizations are missing out on what the true essence of having a business is and this is what the Cagle Creek Resorts has. They know what kind of business organization are called and anna running under right now because they started their own business and built it from the ground up and they never bought a thing and built it into something that is now making them thousands of dollars each month.

So to answer the question what kind of business organization are called and anna running under right now you can only think of two answers that are both obvious. They are both running their own business and starting their own company. Which company shall we say that is better? It is obvious that a person who started his own business from scratch is much better than someone who bought a business already established.

But which one?