When an accident occurs, it is normal to feel shocked and find it difficult to recollect what happened. And this is exactly what an insurance adjuster needs to get the upper hand. This blog post explores what and how to scare insurance adjuster.

Insurance Adjusters Are Not Your Friend

When it comes to insurance claims, there are always two sides in this equation – the insurance company and the claimant. The insurance company is the one which has the right to settle the compensation for the victim and also to file a lawsuit against the perpetrator of the accident. And if the insurance company fails to pay out the compensation, the claimant can go to court and sue them. 

As you can see, there is a lot of money at stake, and both parties need to negotiate to reach a mutually acceptable compensation. But when an insurance adjuster comes into the picture, negotiations become very difficult because you have two intimidating individuals at your side. 

Insurance adjusters are hired by your insurance company, and they are there to negotiate with you and your insurer over the compensation that you are entitled to. But as you may know already, negotiating with an insurance adjuster can be a scary experience because of their intimidating behaviour and demeaning attitude. This means that when an accident happens, an insurance adjuster is not your friend but rather your opponent.

It is important for you to understand that they don’t care about you; they care only about what they can get out of you. The adjuster may not be able to offer you a reasonable amount for compensation, but he will do everything possible to lower the value of your claim, while the lawyer will ensure that your claim is dismissed. So, what can you do to scare away your insurance adjuster?

How You Can Scare Away an Insurance Adjuster

Act Reasonably and Calmly

The good news is that, by following some simple tips, you can scare away your insurance adjuster.  The first thing that you need to do is understand that they are just people like you, and they are just trying to get by in this world. So if they act rude to you, it’s because they are feeling stressed. Just remember that they are not here to get your money, but to get you to agree with them. If the adjuster comes across as rude or arrogant, it’s always important that you don’t feel intimidated by him. Instead, you need to keep your cool and respond to his attitude with respect. A lot of people go to extreme lengths to avoid feeling intimidated, and this is a mistake. If you want to scare away your insurance adjuster, you need to show him that you are not intimidated by his behaviour. 

Show Them That You Know Their Motives

The second tip is to understand that the insurance adjuster looking for any chance of liability. So whenever they ask you questions that can be construed as leading or deceptive, it’s a good idea to just answer them honestly. The adjuster may even ask you a question which you may think is leading but when you actually think about it, it isn’t. So before they get started, you need to ask yourself a few simple questions. 

  • Did the Accident Happen because You Were Failing to Keep Your Car in Good Shape?

This one is easy to answer. If you were not paying enough attention to your car’s condition, and you just suddenly lost control of the vehicle, it could be your fault. But you don’t have to worry about that because you will be able to prove that you had no control over the car at the time of the accident. This means that you don’t need to worry about any compensation from the insurance company. The insurance adjuster will not be able to deny your claim. 

  • Was It the Driver’s Fault?

Another way insurance adjusters can get you to lower your compensation is by making you believe that it was the other party’s fault. To do that, they will argue that if the driver had been more careful, then he would not have caused the accident.

Don’t Negotiate with Insurance Adjusters

The third tip is to keep your distance from the adjuster. As mentioned earlier, insurance adjusters are there to negotiate with you, and if you sit too close to them, they will be able to see that you are afraid of them and this will make them feel more powerful. So it’s important that you keep a distance and remain calm. When you get your compensation, you should always make sure that you get the right amount of compensation. And if you don’t get the right amount, you need to complain about it to the insurance adjuster. By doing this, it is possible for you to scare away your insurance adjuster because they will have no choice but to negotiate a fair settlement.

Be Proactive Be Honest

An insurance adjuster will try to trick you into believing that you need to pay more money than you are actually entitled to, so it is important to be honest with them. Being honest will make them think that they have no chance of getting away with their demeaning attitude. They will be forced to behave respectfully and professionally.  It is important to be truthful when talking to them, and to avoid saying anything that may make you look bad.

We hope that this brief article has given you some useful information. By following the advice that we have presented in this article, you will be able to deal with an insurance adjuster in a positive manner. And if you follow our tips, it’s possible for you to scare away your insurance adjuster without paying more than you are legally entitled to. So keep reading our other articles if you want to learn more about the different ways you can deal with insurance adjusters.